BOO! You Can't See Me Because I Can't See You!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween everyone!! I had wanted to get this posted earlier, but of course, the day got away from me. And so it's now or never!!
This is a picture that I snapped of our new kitty, Seamus. He was zipping around the yard, diving into the leaves, popping out and then taking off again! What a nut! Maybe he got into some of the catnip that is growing in the gardens! I have many more shots of him to share with you over the next few days.
I love the expression on his face in this one, don't you?! To me it looks like he is smiling!
All kitties have a story and I'll share Seamus' with you. He came to us at the end of this past August ~ a teenager, skinny and scrawny and, of course starving. Aren't all teenagers starving? He just showed up in our back yard one Sunday morning, hanging out underneath the bird feeder. I suppose he was hoping some unsuspecting bird would venture too close and he would get a tender morsel for breakfast. When I saw him there I went outside to get a better look and as soon as he heard the door open he took off. Apparently he wasn't used to humans. I caught glimpses of him off and on for 3 days but never actually saw him at the food and water bowls that I put out for him. I figured that since he would not let me get near him he must be wild and not be someone's lost pet, which was good.
I was so excited that I might finally have another black cat after so many years of not having one. I have always thought that black cats have the neatest purrsonalities, at least all of the ones that I have met do. Many years ago we had a kitty named Midnight ~ I didn't name her, she came with that name when someone abandoned her behind our pet store. We found her on a leash tied to a post with a note that said "My landlord won't let me keep Midnight. Please find a good home for her". Well, we did find a good home for her, ours!! She was the best kitty ever. She used to climb under the covers with me and put her head on my pillow, right next to me and sleep there all night! Whenever I sat down she would suddenly appear out of nowhere and jump up in my lap for a snooze and to keep me company. She lived to the ripe old age of 18 and I had always hoped to have the pleasure of sharing my life with another blackie!
Over the years we have taken in many cats, but disappointingly, none of them were ever black. We were never ones to turn away a hungry, homeless little creature and at the point that Seamus showed up our kitty count stood at ....5!! Yikes, we didn't need another one, but what are you going to do ~ thank goodness my husband, Gary is as much an animal lover as I am!
By the third day I wasn't getting any closer to him so I put a bowl of food down and then sat on the ground a few feet from it. I was not facing the bowl although I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Pretty soon Seamus came to eat, but wouldn't let me scoot any closer to him. Over the next few days I tried again many times to get close to him. Finally, he let me touch him and then pet him. Then he started rolling over to have his belly rubbed and it was all over for both of us!! What a sweetheart he has turned out to be!! He sleeps with us at night (although not under the covers) and loves to keep us company during the day. He is affectionate, silly and smart ~ all rolled into one wild and crazy black kitty! And I am so thankful that he showed up at our birdfeeder one summer morning!
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