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June 2011

"Stuck Like Glue"

Stuck like glue-001 
This is my page for Day 3 of LOAD211! We get an email everyday with a prompt in it that we may follow if we choose to. Today's prompt is to use a song title as a jumping off point and the one that Lain suggested was "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland. I do like country music but don't listen to it all the time so I was not familiar with it. Lain provided a link and I think I have fallen in love with it ~ what fantastic upbeat song!! When I thought about it, I decided that I could make "Stuck Like Glue" work for my page featuring my kitty Seamus. He is always with me wherever I am, in or outside the house and he is the best company ever! I am so thankful that he wandered into our lives and into our hearts this summer!!

I again used my "My Digital Studio" program and it went together REALLY quick! Of course, the more I use it, the easier it gets! I think I had this completed in about 1/2 hour! I KNOW a paper page would have taken me longer than that! I'm really liking this digital scrapbooking!

I still have some work to do here on my blog, so please excuse the two portraits, the non-link to my about page, etc ~ i'm still learning the ins and outs of blog design!

Live with passion!

Amelia Rose 

Try, Try Again!

Okay, this is it. I am going to try one. more. time. (I think I may have said that a few other times in the past, but this time I really mean it!)

I'm going to treat this blog like a child of mine who needs nurturing  and feeding and lots of inspiration.

I've been surfing the net a lot lately looking for motivation and something to give me a swift kick in the pants to get moving.

One thing that I stumbled on was LOAD2011 or Layout A Day. I signed up, paypaled my nominal fee of $30 and got ready to scrapbook everyday for the month of February!

When I first read all the glowing feedback from girls who were participating in their 3rd, 5th  or whatever number LOAD I thought "I can't do this because all of my scrapbooking supplies are in our house in Peoria (for those of you who don't know, we are in the midst of a move from our home of 23 years in northeast PA to Peoria, IL! It's a long story, to be covered in small increments).

Then a little voice wispered in my ear "eh..hmph...remember you DO have your My Digital Studio on your computer and you really should make USE of it! Eh?!!"

I couldn't deny that was true, so here I am on day one of LOAD2011! There are 232 other players in the group and the idea is just to get us into the habit of scrapbooking daily. If nothing else, at the end of the month I'll have 28 layouts done, right?

It's also supposed to get us to loosen up a bit and not be such perfectionists! I think one of the quotes that I read on the site was "Good is good enough!" These layouts don't have to be perfect. It's better to have them done than not done! How true!

So I'm going to do my "layout a day" for my group and then I plan to post it here. Wish me luck! 

Sparkling Trees-001 
This is a shot of our front yard in Peoria ~ it was breathtaking with the sun shimmering on all of the branches! I should have put some journaling on the layout, but since it was my first one I'm not going to agonize over it. And the beauty of the My digital Studio program is that I can go in at a later date and add journaling....somewhere! I used a template that was included in the program and that made it super simple to create the page.

 I wonder what our prompt for tomorrow will be!!

Live every day with passion!

Amelia Rose