Try, Try Again!
Retiring Stamp Sets and Accessories ~ It's That time of Year!!

"Stuck Like Glue"

Stuck like glue-001 
This is my page for Day 3 of LOAD211! We get an email everyday with a prompt in it that we may follow if we choose to. Today's prompt is to use a song title as a jumping off point and the one that Lain suggested was "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland. I do like country music but don't listen to it all the time so I was not familiar with it. Lain provided a link and I think I have fallen in love with it ~ what fantastic upbeat song!! When I thought about it, I decided that I could make "Stuck Like Glue" work for my page featuring my kitty Seamus. He is always with me wherever I am, in or outside the house and he is the best company ever! I am so thankful that he wandered into our lives and into our hearts this summer!!

I again used my "My Digital Studio" program and it went together REALLY quick! Of course, the more I use it, the easier it gets! I think I had this completed in about 1/2 hour! I KNOW a paper page would have taken me longer than that! I'm really liking this digital scrapbooking!

I still have some work to do here on my blog, so please excuse the two portraits, the non-link to my about page, etc ~ i'm still learning the ins and outs of blog design!

Live with passion!

Amelia Rose 


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Amie! This is adorable. I just have to meet Seamus. He is so photogenic!

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