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My Word of the Year....Change...

LB2014lesson1a 1510379_10201215402691892_992314556_nMy Lifebook 2014's first lesson centers on our chosen "Word of the Year". We have 2 assignments, the first one is a warm-up to get us comfortable making mixed media backgrounds. It also asks us to think about what we want our heart to say to our heart, what our heart needs to hear.  The second lesson asks us to create a painting of our "inner guardian angel" and to use our chosen  "word of the year". 

Here is a picture of my first project. I'm rather happy with it although it is a bit darker than I meant it to be!

I chose the word "change" for my WotY for 2 reasons. The obvious first reason is because of all the change that is going on in my life. So much of it is beyond my control and I am going to have to learn to embrace it (change my thinking) if I want to have any chance of ever being happy again. 

My second  reason for using the word "change" is because I am going to have to change a lot in myself if I want to acheive all that I hope to in the next year or so.  And that is something that I do have control over.  In fact, I am the only one who has control over it and if I fail in my endeavors, then there is no one else to blame but myself.

In this first lesson Tam also gave us a meditation to use (if we wanted to) before starting our assignment. She took us through our imaginary haven and then into our private sanctuary, however we visualize it.

Then we got to meet our "inner guardian angel".  My angel looked suspiciously like Glinda the Good Witch from the old Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland. Lol. What can I say.  I'll show you my finished project in a future post after I get a picture of it!

Thanks for stopping by!
Stay warm!!

Amelia Rose



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